



You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task. Visit the teachers' section for more information.

In the teacher's section you can also alter the sets of content, so that only some of the images appear. Additionally, you can get embed code to add this game to a blog or web page and you can create direct links to the game with content pre-selected. As an example, the link below will start the game with the jobs content automatically loaded.

Alternatively, this link will start the game with the food content automatically selected and loaded.

Use the teachers' section to create more links or embed code.


This game is a version of the classic game concentration. Intended here to help students learn vocabulary items by matching images and words. You can also listen to the audio when you look at the images. The game is simple and hopefully fun. You click on pairs of squares and match the words to the pictures. If you reveal a matching pair of picture - word then you get points and those squares disappear. You have to match all the images and words as quickly as possible. The concentration part comes in remembering where the images or words are. The time you have to match all the squares runs down quickly and so you have to be faster and faster in each round.

As with other games you can choose the content you like from the list of vocabulary items. The same set of vocabulary items repeats continuously and so you can get repeated exposure to the same target language. Then you can exit and switch to a different set of vocabulary items and play again. At the end of the game there is a table to show the highest scoring learners.

Matching the pairs helps learn the vocabulary items as it allows for an association between the images, text and audio. By revealing the image and hearing the audio at the same time, an association is formed. Then when the matching text is revealed, the association is further strengthened. Because of this, it is quite important to hear and listen carefully to the audio. While I don't think it is possible to completely learn a whole set of content just from playing this game, I think it is possible to learn a few new items from a set while also reviewing other items.

The previous version of this game had a timer which ran down quickly and required you to move and think quickly. A few people suggested that it would be better if the game were slower and the user were able to think without being rushed. That that basis, this version does not have a time as a challenge element; however, there it does keep track of the number of turns, or reveals, that have been made. It is hoped that this will maintain an element of challenge, so that the game is still interesting, while also allowing enough time to think and focus on the items.

I really hope that you like this game and can have fun learning and improving. Leave a comment below in any language you like. Comments need to be approved by me first due to excessive spam and offensive postings.

